Tuesday, July 10, 2012


RAIN RAIN RAIN, Thank you Lord for sending us some RAIN!!!

It has been building for several  days now, and finally arrived.  Thank you, Lord.  

Now, the farmer's fields can drink in your beautiful nectar.
The people can begin to cool down, if only for a few days.
The river will begin to fill its banks again.

Wow, am I getting poetic... LOL  prob not , that just isn't ME.

But suffice to say I am very thankful for the rain, even though there was a bit of scary thunder and lightening as well as WIND, last night.  All in all things are fine, the awning is still with us, and that is always a GOOD thing.


Last evening, of course was Monday.   On Monday's my son comes by to visit and use my printer.   He farms (the produce kind) and sells through a local farmer's market.  Which takes orders on a couple days a week and ships the product out to his 'ordering customers'.  

I caught him playing with Ebony...

They are both difficult to catch in a photo, so I was somewhat proud of myself :)

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