The gent, I noticed last evening... wow I said, what a neat outfit. Not knowing at the time, cause he had already retired for the night before I noticed him.
Now for this morning, as I looked out the elderly gent was cleaning up his windshield, checking lights etc, preparing to re-connect bike and pop-up... as I watched HE LOST IT :(
Yep, the bike rolled to the left and over it went. Now I'm sorry but there was nothing I could do... I have hard enough time twisting a bottle cap of the soda bottle. So I commented to JN, and of course JN began getting dressed and preparing to assist 'if' he could.
About that time the gent knocked on our door, asking for assistance. Assuring him we would be right out... just needed to put on a little more clothes, ya know. It only took a couple more minutes.... but low and behold by the time we got out the door, another camper had already rendered assistance.
Fortunately he was unscathed, as was the bike. Being from Florida and headed up to visit his daughter in Buffalo, NY.. we bid him farewell and best wishes for a safe and uneventful continuation of his trip.
Ahh, shoot! I forgot to take my camera/phone....well best I suppose, I certainly would not have wanted to embarrass the gent any further. Hope ya understand.
JN, off to work, I now am contemplating my morning walk..and guess what? It is raining again...not hard, not stormy but enough to hinder my taking my morning walk. So, for now suppose I'll enjoy a 3rd cup of coffee. Watch the news.. shame I didn't find "Cardboard GOLD" as I watch the morning news telling a story about a family cleaning out the attic and finding $,$$$,$$$ worth of 100 yr old baseball cards.
Oh,Lord, waiting on my windfall ... LMBO
The day progresses, laundry... dishes.... JN back home from work... and yep, you guessed it... RAINING again, the walk is foiled again.
Dinner is on JN... yummm yummm, he did a meat loaf in the Nu Wave Oven, with some french fries (baked) on the side ... and I did sweet peas in the micro.. NO propane tonight yeaaa... So now comes the computer time , I on the laptop here, JN is on his tablet horsing around.
Forgoin' the tv tonight, get sorta tired of re-setting the dish over and over every time a good thunder clap sounds.
So I'm off to view, read and possibly comment on a few of your blogs. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get at least a couple of photos of something interesting... or maybe I'll just scan a few old ones .. time will tell..
Til then have a good nite and come back tomorrow, ya'hear.
Just wondering what you think is an "elderly" gent. lol Glad to hear he was able to go on his way though. No rain to spoil the day here in Montana but it sure would be nice to have some. It is so very dry. Looking forward to reading more of your blog.
HAHA, should'a seen that comment coming. Well since I consider myself 'elderly' to an extent, and I think he was definitely older than me...I'm just guessing he is in the 65+ range... maybe even 70ish LOL... Let's just say , if ya qualify for 'senior discounts' at most retail establishments ... you are 'elderly' LOL
Just my humble opinion.. just for the record I am 61 and the hubby is 56 in a few more months :)
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