Thursday, December 27, 2012

That time of year... RESOLUTIONS !?!?!?

I have ONE....I RESOLVE to be MORE THANKFUL than I ever have been before in my life.

I have always had much to be thankful for.
I have often been thankful,
 and given thanks,
 and praised my Savior for every blessing....
I simply desire to attempt to be even more thankful this year
 and every day
for the rest of my life...
Not just for this one New Year .
I'm not a writer.... I'm a Blogger.


TexCyn said...

That's a good resolution! I never make them...Happy New Year!

TexCyn said...

PS, I hope your mother is doing better.

Marsha & Joe campers4lifex2 said...

Thanks for your comments, TexCyn, Sorry I have taken so long to respond.
Mom is doing great, she was only in the hospital a few days and I am so THANKFUL that my siblings were able to be with her.
She will celebrate her 86th birthday on 2/1/13 and truly is the most wonderful MOM anyone could ever ask for. I am so very blessed!