Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Happy 4th Everyone!

Almost here, the FOURTH of JULY, 2012! 

Hope everyone has a SAFE and Happy one, stay cool and above all, remember to say thanks to the American Vets that keep us Independent ... past, present and future.. I personally want to say thank to all of our Armed Services personnel.
Justin (nephew) ..serving in the USAF, in Italy

On that note I too, am thankful to have been able to spend some time this past weekend with my nephew, Justin.  Justin is serving in the USAF, in Italy... but is currently on leave, an choose to spend his time off with family backin the states... LOVE YA Justin, so proud of you too.


Anonymous said...

Awesome picture of Justin! Thanks for inviting me to read your blog! Genevieve

Marsha & Joe campers4lifex2 said...

OH contrare... Thank You for taking time to stop by. Hope you will as often as you can. I'll try to keep up to date 'stuff' about us, the family, and hopefully SOON our actuall travels.